Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Teaching Staff
- During the period of service, all members of the teaching staff shall employ themselves honestly and efficiently under the Head of the Institution.
- No member of the staff shall engage in any political activity within the college campus.
- All the members of the teaching staff must be punctual for classes and should adhere to the timings scheduled for other activities and events.
- All members of staff, both teaching and non-teaching must sign regularly in the attendance register which is to be maintained by the head of the institution.
- The duties assigned to teachers consist of lectures/ practical’s/ tutorials in the allocated workload of the individual teacher. In addition, they must undertake responsibilities of conducting evaluation and invigilation, administrative work, providing counsel to students and participating in extra-curricular activities and institutional support activities as required.
- The working hours of the teaching staff shall be according to the prescribed Timetable and any other additional duty assigned to them.
- Every faculty member shall deal impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, economic, social, and physical identity.
- No faculty members shall act in any manner that violates the decorum or morality within the campus.
- Refrain from undertaking any other employment and commitment including private tuitions and coaching classes which are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities.
- Take leave as per rules with prior intimation, keeping in view their responsibility for completion of academic schedule.
- Seek to make professional growth continuous through study and research.
- Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings, seminars, conferences etc. towards the contribution of knowledge
- Respect the right and dignity of the student in expressing his/her opinion.
- Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political, economic, social, and physical characteristics
- Encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their personalities and at the same time contribute to community welfare.
- Inculcate among students, scientific outlook and respect for physical labour and ideals of democracy, patriotism, and peace.
- Refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues, or administration.
Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching/Administrative Staff
- All Staff members should display the highest possible standards of professional behaviour. They should be punctual and disciplined towards their work.
- Every Staff member shall maintain the appropriate levels of confidentiality with respect to student and staff records and other sensitive matters.
- All Staff members must refrain from any form of harassment or unlawful discrimination relating to gender/sexuality/age/marital status in their behaviour towards their colleagues, teaching staff and students.
Code of Conduct for Students
- Students are expected to adhere to the timetable.
- Students must carry their Identity card inside the campus.
- Students must help to keep the campus neat and clean.
- Use of Mobile phones during the class hours is strictly prohibited. Any violation of this will lead disciplinary action.
- Students are expected to read notices/circulars displayed on the notice board.
- Spitting, smoking, and throwing bits of paper in the premises should be avoided.
- Students should not misuse or make unauthorized use of the college premises or items of property on the campus.
- Students should not indulge in any kind of ragging or activities leading to harassment of any kind towards fellow students.
- Students shall preserve the infrastructure of the college.
- Students must be alert and responsible while posting their views about the Institute on social media.
- Students shall not engage themselves in any political activity or other movement.
- Students shall conduct meetings and activities in the college campus only with the written permission of the Principal.
- Students shall circulate / display any circulars / Notices only with the written permission of the Principal.
- Students shall share any information or report to press or broad casting agencies with the written permission of the Principal.
- Students shall avoid pasting of wall posters, writing on walls and roads.
- Students shall not endanger the health or safety of others.
- Students shall avoid making false accusations against any member of the institution.
- Students shall avoid giving false information to the college.
- Students shall avoid forging, altering, or misusing any document or record issued by the college.
- Students shall avoid storing, possessing, or using real or replica firearms or other weapons, explosives (including fireworks), ammunition, or toxic or otherwise dangerous materials in the campus.
- Students shall avoid using, possessing, or distributing liquor and illegal drugs.
- Students shall comply with the disciplinary measure imposed by the college.
- Students shall not be the part of picnic/study tour/industrial visits etc. without the permission of the principal.
Professional Ethics
- Employees shall familiarize themselves with the cultures, customs and history of the Institution while performing their duties for the Institution and respect them.
- Employees shall discharge duties with utmost integrity, discipline, honesty, devotion and diligence.
- Employees shall not bring or attempt to bring any political or other influence to bear upon any superior authority to further his interests in respect of matters pertaining to his service.
- Employees shall constantly strive and behave in good manner for upholding good reputation of the Institution amongst the public.
- Employees shall not be guilty of any act or any conduct which involves immorality.
- Employee shall possess valid identity card issued by the Institution, while on duty.
- Employees shall not remain absent from duty without the approval from the appropriate authority.
- Employees shall not engage in any sexual harassment or any other behaviour which may appear to be sexual harassment or make others feel uncomfortable. The institution reaffirms its policy of zero-tolerance to sexual harassment and is committed to create an environment that respects and protects the rights of all its employees, irrespective of their gender.
- Employees shall promote students for extensive use of library and technology.
- Employees shall not disturb the discipline, environment and good order of the Office.
- Employees shall consistently ensure fairness and justness in selecting suppliers and avoid any potential "conflict of interest" while striving to procure the most superior goods and services.
- An employee shall not accept or permit any member of his family or any other person acting on his behalf to accept any economic favours such as money, gifts or other favours in return for the performance of his duty, by virtue of his position in the Institution.
- As good corporate citizens, employees shall strive to maintain harmony with the local or global communities in which they perform and to improve corporate value on a sustainable basis by building trusting relationships with the various customers /Stakeholders in the Institution. At the same time, employees shall make positive social contributions towards the realization of thriving and hospitable local or global communities and shall work to create a sustainable trust.
- Employees shall comply with all laws and regulations concerning environmental protection and actively engage in educational activities related to environmental protection and the efficient use of resources and energy.
- Employees shall contribute to the development and spread of environmental friendly technologies and shall always take into consideration issues of safety.
- Employees shall not enter any transaction with any anti-social group, or any entity connected therewith.
- Employees shall be willing to listen with sincerity to the opinions of customers, their grievances and shall reflect upon them in carrying out the situation in efficient and effective manner in present as well as in future.
- With loyalty, sense of dedication and courteous behaviour at all times, he should be an inspiration to the students under his care.
- He is expected to be objective in his judgments and should not make any sustained neglect in correcting the assignments done by the students.
- He shall not be late to class and while in class, shall use the entire time for teaching which should include varied techniques.
Handling Confidential Information
If an employee of the Institution becomes acquainted with any important information pertaining to the institution there of which may materially influence the interest of the institution and its activities, he will be under bound duty of not disclosing such information in the interest of the Institution, unless the Management makes it known to public.