It involves the process like conduct of Central Valuation, Entering the External Marks, Generation of Reports for Result Passing Board Meeting, Generating the Mark Sheet, Revaluation Process, Special Supplementary Examinations and etc.
Conduct of Central Valuation:
- The Central valuation may be conducted in a phased manner.
- The Examiners for each Evaluation Board will be appointed by the Controller of Examinations from the Approved Examiners list.
- The Heads of the Department will be the Chair Person of the Evaluation Board.
- The Senior Faculty members may act as the Chief examiners and Camp Superintendents of each board. On the day of valuation, the Answer scripts will be handed over to the Chair Person of each Evaluation Board.
- Chair Persons are the responsible to allocate the Courses for valuation to the Examiners based on their expertise.
- During valuation Chair person and the Chief examiner will scrutinize the valued answer scripts to check the quality of the valuation.
- The Examiner may enter the marks in the sheet given, once it is approved by the Chair Person of the Evaluation board.
- Chair person is the responsible person to collect the valued answer scripts and the Mark sheets from the Examiners and hand over the same to the Staff In-Charge of Office of the Controller of Examinations along with other necessary documents.
- The Staff In-charge of COE will verify the valued answer scripts and Mark Statements before collecting it from the Chairperson.
- Documents related to the above process will be maintained in the Office of Controller of examinations.
Note: Instructions to the Chair Person / Chief examiners are enclosed in the Annexure – I
Storing of Answer Scripts & Mark Sheets:
Entering of External Marks and Approval:
Reports generated after Mark Entry:
Once all the entries are completed, the Controller of Examinations will authorize and approve the entries. Based on the Approval, it is possible to generate various reports for result processing work. Class –wise reports, Course-wise reports, Moderation reports , Broad sheets consisting of the marks of all the Courses appeared by the Students may be generated from the Software.
Results Passing Board:
The Result Passing Board Meeting will be conducted on a fixed date. The Head of the Institution will be the Chair Person of the Board. University representative will be appointed for the same on a rotation basis by the Bharathiar University. The Controller of Examinations will act as the Member Secretary of the Board. All the Heads of the Department will be the Member of the Board and they may present the Results for the Approval of the Board.
Publication of Results:
Once the results are approved in the Result Passing Board, it will be published in the College Website and Department notice boards. Prior announcement regarding the Publication of results will be intimated to the students through Circulars, Website and announcement in the leading news papers.
Re-totaling, Re-evaluation and Obtaining the Photocopy of the Answer books:
After publication of the results, if the student wishes to apply for re-totaling, Re-Evaluation or Obtaining Photo Copy of the Answer books they can apply through the prescribed form which will be available in the College website by paying appropriate fee in the College Office. The results for the same will be announced within 3 days from the last date of Application.
- The Internal test will be conducted after the completion of 3 Units (50th Working day) and the Model Examination will be conducted after the completion of all the 5 units (90th Working day).
- For Hall Allotment ,Invigilation duty and Squad duty the same procedures may be followed as per the End Semester Examinations
- Question Bank: All the Course faculty will submit a duly scrutinized Question Bank based on the various levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy. The Question Bank will be uploaded in the Software for the generation of Question Paper for the Internal Test and Model Examinations.
- Printing of Question Papers for Internal and Model Examination will be as similar to the End Semester Examinations.
- The valuation of Answer Scripts will be done by the respective Course Faculty.