department of comMERCE
events organized
The scope of Programs being organized are in-depth discussion and exchange of ideas related to the topic. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate.
events participated
Students and Faculty members are encouraged to participate in various kinds of research programmes for self up-gradation and collaborations.
international/national conferences
Participation in International/nation conferences helps both students and faculty to experience blended learning environment with multiple opportunities to learn and engage in a wide array of programmes.
Attending professional conferences, summits, workshops and seminars have positive impacts on each individuals and helps them in grooming into a complete professional. They provide an opportunity to develop new professional relationships, gain knowledge and become more successful in career.

international conferences
- S.Sureshfrom B.Com department has participated in the International Conference on Plastic Money held on 28thSep, 2017 organized by Sankara Collece of Science and commerceCoimbatore on 28.00.2017.
- M.Gokal from B.Com department has participated in the International Conference on Money and the Banking system held on 28thSep, 2017 organized by Sankara Collece of Science and commerceCoimbatore on 28.00.2017.
- M. Bharathi Gowtham from B.Com department has participated in the International Conference on Money and the Banking system held on 28thSep, 2017 organized by Sankara Collece of Science and commerce,Coimbatore on 28.00.2017.
- R.Dinesh from B.Com department has participated in the International Conference on Internet and Mobile Banking held on 28thSep, 2017 organized by Sankara College of Science and commerceCoimbatore on 28.00.2017.
- R.Sabrish from B.Com department has participated in the International Conference on Money and the Banking system held on 28thSep, 2017 organized by Sankara Collece of Science and commerceCoimbatore on 28.00.2017.
- B.Mehala from B.Com department has participated in the International Conference on Digital Marketing held on 2nd Mar, 2017 organized by PSGR Krishnammal College for women
- V. Malar Bharathi from B.Com department has participated in the International Conference on Digital Marketing held on 2nd Mar, 2017 organized by PSGR Krishnammal College for women
- Monisha.R from B.Com department has participated in the International Conference on "Rural Marketing" held on 2nd Mar, 2017 organized by PSGR Krishnammal College for women
- Sangeetha.A from B.Com department has participated in the International Conference on "Rural Marketing" held on 2nd Mar, 2017 organized by PSGR Krishnammal College for women