PG Counselling Code: 326
faculty development
To strengthen the horizon of teaching learning process by mutual transformation of thoughts, ideas and experiences and to update teachers about the advancements in teaching-learning process including latest approaches, tools and techniques. Our Faculty members are continuously encouraged to upgrade their skills by taking up online courses or involving faculty development programmes.
NPtel/mooc courses
faculty development programme
- Mr.K.M.Manikandan ,Ms.s.yasodha Assistant Professor of Maths Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with Elite Grade on Advanced Engineering Mathematics conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and Mr.T.Ramesh,Ms.Yashodha,Ms.K.sangeetha .Ms.M.Muthuselvissistant Professor of Maths Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with Elite Grade on Mathematical Methods and its applications conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur on 2019-2020, MsR.Maruthaveni Assistant Professor of Maths Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course Gold Medal with Topper 1% Grade on Internet of Things conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur on 2019-2020
- Mr.K.M.Manikandan,MrT.Ramesh,Ms.S.Rekha, Ms.Srividhya,Mr.L.Naveen,Ms. HaseenaBegum,Ms.Yashodha,Ms.K.sangeetha .Ms.M.MuthuselviAssistant Professor of Maths Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with Elite Grade on Introduction to Abstract and Linear algebra conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur on 2018-2019
- Mr.K.M.Manikandan, Ms.Srividhya,Mr.L.Naveen,Ms. HaseenaBegum,Ms.Yashodha ,Assistant Professor of Maths Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with Elite Grade on Graph Theoryconducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and Mr.K.M.Manikandan, ,Mr.T.Ramesh,Assistant Professor of Maths Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with Elite Grade on calculus of Variableconducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and Ms.S.Rekha,Ms.K.Sangeetha,Ms.M.Muthuselvi Assistant Professor of Maths Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with Elite Grade on numerical Methods conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and ,Mr.P.Murugan Assistant Professor of Maths Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with on MultiVariable of calculusconducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur on 2017-2018
- Ms.C.Jenita Nancy and Ms.S. Praveena Assistant Professor of Maths Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with Elite Grade on Introductory Course in Real Analysis conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur on 2016-2017
- Our Department of Mathematics Organised FDP programme on Real Time application of Mathematics by Dr. J. Ravichandran, Professor andDr. T.Palanisamy, Associate professor gave the FDP from Models in Linear and Nonlinear equations” on 21.05.2019 Ms.R.MaruthaVeni Assistant Professor of Maths Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with Elite Grade on FDP course "Internet of Things" conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur on 2018-2019
- Mr.K.M.Manikandan, Mr.T.Ramesh, Ms.S.Rekha, Ms.Srividhya, Mr.L.Naveen, Ms. HaseenaBegum, Ms.Yashodha, Ms.K.sangeetha, Ms.M.Muthuselvi, Assistant Professor of Maths Department has completed NPTEl/MOOC course with Elite Grade on FDP course " Introduction to Abstract and Linear algebra "conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur on 2018-2019
- A One day workshop Python for Data science organised by Department of Mathematics on 28.2.2020
- One day workshop on Latest Technology Development in Mobile Andriod was conducted by the Department of Mathematics on 02.02.2019. Mr. Mohammed Yaqoop,Training Head, Global Vision Training Academy, Coimbatore was invited as a resource person. 47 students of B.Sc. Mathematics with Computer Applications Programme .were benefited
- A Workshop on LaTeX by Dr.R.Jothimurugan ,Assistant Professor,Department of Physics,PSNA College of Engineering and Technology,Dindigul. Dr.D.Aravinthan,Research Associate Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics,School of Physics,Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirappalli. Mr.P.A.Praveen,Senior Research Fellow School of Physics,,Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirappalli.. was conducted on02.02.2018,Around 50 faculty and students attended and benefited
- A International Seminar on Recent Development in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics by Dr.Sivasankaran Sivanandam,Associate Professor,Institute of Mathematical Science,University of Malaya,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. Dr.K.Sumathi,Associate Professor,Department of Mathematics,PSGR Krishnammal College for Women , Coimbatore. Dr.S.Murugesh Associate Professor and Head Department of Physics,Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology ,Valiamala ,Thiruvanadhapuram,Kerala.was conducted on 115.03.2017,Around 239faculty and students attended and benefited
- A National Seminar on Recent Trends in Fuzzy Logic and Optimization Techniquesby Dr.A.Krishnamoorthy,Emeritus Professor and Emeritus scientist ,Department of Mathematics,Cochin Universityof Science and Technology,Cochinn,Kerala, and Dr.A.Nagoor Gani,Assosicate Professor and Research Advisor,PG and Research Department of Mathematics, Jamal Mohamed College(Autonomous),Tiruchirappalli... was conducted on 10.09.2015,Around 110 faculty and students attended and benefited
- A State level Seminar on Recent Advances in Theory and Applied of Mathematics by Dr.B.Rushikumar, Associate Professor, Fluid Dynamic Division, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil nadu and Dr.K.Shailendhra, Associate Professor of Mathematics , Amritha School of Engineering, Amritha Viswavidhyapitham University Coimbatore.. was conducted on 24.02.2015,Around 265 faculty and students attended and benefited
- A National conference on Recent advances in Graph theory and Operator Theory by Dr.G.Suresh Singh, Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, University of Kerala, Thirvanathapuram and Dr.S.Panaiyappan, CSIR emeritus scientist,government arts college , coimbatore. was conducted on 01.03.2014,Around 219 faculty and students attended and benefited