To produce highly competent, knowledgeable students through world-class curriculum interspersed with ethical and moral values.

About us
Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science, established in the year 1999 by SNS Charitable Trust, has been granted Autonomous status by UGC, New Delhi and Bharathiar University, Coimbatore effect from the academic year 2011-12. The activities of the Office of Controller of Examinations (CoE) became vibrant thereafter in a confidential manner. The CoE office has state of art infrastructure facilities including Confidential Room, Strong Room, Dummy Numbering Room, Valuation Hall and Exam Conduction Center. The office is powered with latest CoE software to support all the activities in its versatility.
To promote their ability to be self-reliant and independent.
To upgrade their competency in seeking employment.
To promote quality enhancement in learning, teaching, extension and research.
To promote among the students, the spirit of serving the society/country.
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Team members
Controller of examination

Dr. A. Sivakumar M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDCA
Controller of Examinations

Academic council
framed as per the UGC Guidelines
The Academic Council is governing body of the Institute and subjected to Interconnect the standards of education, teaching, learning, training, collaboration, research and examinations with in the Institute. We exercise and perform duties imposed by UGC guidelines and Policies.
- Scrutinize and approve the proposals with or without modification of the Boards of Studies with regard to courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, syllabi and modifications thereof, instructional and evaluation arrangements, methods, procedures relevant thereto etc., provided that where the Academic Council differs on any proposal, it shall have the right to return the matter for reconsideration to the Board of Studies concerned or reject it, after giving reasons to do so.
- Make regulations regarding the admission of students to different programmes of study in the college keeping in view the policy of the Government.
- Make regulations for sports, extra-curricular activities, and proper maintenance and functioning of the playgrounds and hostels.
- Recommend to the Governing Body proposals for institution of new programmes of study.
- Recommend to the Governing Body institution of scholarships, studentships, fellowships, prizes and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same.
- Advise the Governing Body on suggestions(s) pertaining to academic affairs made by it.
- Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Governing body

Dr.R.Anitha Maniarasan, MBA., MCA., Ph.D., NET
Academic Council
SI.No | Name | Board |
1 | Dr. C. J. Precilla Sagaya Mary | Tamil |
2 | Dr. D. Divya | English |
3 | Mr. K.M. Manikandan | Mathematics |
4 | Dr. D. Pradhabhan | Physics |
5 | Dr. G. Anita Hebsiba | Chemistry |
6 | Dr. R. Annapoornani | Psychology |
7 | Dr. S. Vydehi | Computer Studies |
8 | Dr. N. Shanmugapriya | Computer Applications (PG) |
9 | Dr. K. Brindha | Commerce Studies |
10 | Dr. S. Subhashini | Business Administration(PG) |
11 | Dr. P. Sivakumar | Business Administration(UG) |
12 | Mr. V. Sridev | Catering Science and Hotel Management |
13 | Ms. B. Padma | Costume Design and Fashion |
- Examination Committee:
- This Committee will meet once in a semester to decide about the Schedule of the Examinations conducted during that particular Examination and other activities related to the Examination Cell.
- Examination Disciplinary Committee:
- The students who caught under Malpractices will be asked to appear before the Examination Disciplinary Committee for further action.
- The following are the Definition, Penal Provisions and Application Procedure of rule in connection with the Malpractices committed by the students in both Internal and End Semester Examinations
- Possession of incriminating material of any nature will leads to the Cancellation of the course appeared for /Fine up to Rs. 500/- or both.
- Copying from other candidate will leads to the Cancellation of all theory / Practical Course appeared by both candidates.
- Copying / Copied from hand Written Bit paper /Material will lead to the Cancellation of all theory / Practical Course appeared for / Fine up to Rs. 800/- or Both.
- Copying / Copied from Books /pages from Books will leads to the Cancellation of all theory / Practical Course appeared for in the Current Semester / Fine up to Rs. 800/- or Both.
- Copying / Copied from body parts of self will leads to the Cancellation of all theory / Practical Course appeared for / Fine up to Rs. 1000/- or Both.
- Exchange of Answer Books between candidates / Making request to examiners will leads to the Cancellation of all theory / Practical Course appeared for / Fine up to Rs. 1000/- or Both for both Candidates.
- Copying /Copied From Micro Xeroxed Books / Pages from Books / Prepared Material will leads to the Cancellation of all theory / Practical Course appeared for / Fine up to Rs. 1500/- or Both and a ban on appearing for examinations for one more Semester.
- Getting assistance from other candidate by force will leads to the Cancellation of all theory / Practical Course appeared for / Fine up to Rs. 1500/- or Both and a ban on appearing for examinations for two more Semester and if necessary the assistance of police may be obtained.
- Impersonation will leads to the Cancellation of all theory / Practical Course appeared for / Fine up to Rs. 1500/- or Both and a ban on appearing for examinations for three more Semester and if necessary the assistance of police may be obtained.
- Threatening the staff who is connected to examination duty of any nature will leads to the Cancellation of all theory / Practical Course appeared for / Fine up to Rs. 1500/- or Both and a ban on appearing for examinations for three six more Semester and if necessary the assistance of police may be obtained.
Application Procedure of Punishments :
- A chance shall be provided to candidate to explain his /her position in relation to malpractice charge.
- The distinction shall be made between possession and actual usage of incriminating material of any nature.
- Refusal to cooperation, intimidating behavior and if any attempt is made to destroy the evidence.
- The fine is indicative of only the maximum limit. Fine shall not be imposed alone. The financial condition of the candidate shall be taken in to consideration.
- To the maximum possible extent the committee should avoid imposing the fine.
- The grade card of the candidate who has been punished for examination related malpractice shall be entered with "Absent " mark wherever his /her course is cancelled
Power of the Disciplinary Committee :
- Examinations Disciplinary Committee is empowered to either reduce or enhance the punishment by stating valid reasons.
- In exceptional cases the Committee may leave the candidate with warning.
- If the candidate fails to appear before the Disciplinary Committee without permission, the Committee may presume that he has nothing to saying his /her defense.
- If any other type of malpractice which is not defined above is committed, the Committee may equate the same with the above given malpractice definitions and decide a suitable punishment for the candidate.
1 | Conduct of CIA-I Test | 25th Working day |
2 | Conduct of CIA-II Test | 58th Working day |
3 | Start of End Semester Practical and Viva-voce Examination | 75th Working day |
4 | Conduct of Model Examination | 81st Working day |
5 | Start of End Semester Theory Examinations | After 90th Working day |
6 | Start of Question Paper Setting Process | 10th Working day of each Semester |
7 | Issue of Hall Tickets | 7 days before the commencement of | 8 | Conduct of End Semester Practical, Viva-Voce and Online Examinations | 7 Working days |
9 | Conduct of End Semester Examinations | 2 Weeks |
10 | Conduct of Result Passing Board | Within 2 weeks from the last date of Examination |
11 | Publication of Results in the College Website | Same day of the Result Passing Board Meeting |
12 | Re-Valuation | One Week |
13 | Conduct of Special Supplementary Examinations | 20 days after the Publication of Results |
14 | Publication of Special Supplementary Examination Results | 2 Working days from the last Date of Examinations |
15 | Issue of Grade Card | Within a week from the date of Publication of Results |
16 | Student Grievances | Immediately |
Instructions to the candidates for the Examination Candidates:
- Should seat in the allotted seat at least 10 minutes before the commencement of the examination
- Will not be admitted for the examination after 30 minutes of the commencement of the examination.
- Should strictly adhere the time schedule
- Should keep all the personal belongings (such as bags, pouches etc.) at the designated area outside the examination hall. Should not bring any valuable belongings except the essential materials required for the examinations.
- Should not use any unauthorized materials, such as books, paper, documents, electronic devices and Scientific Calculators inside the Examination Hall
- Should not use Mobile Phone inside the Examination Hall
- Should ensure the proper Dress Code of the College.
- Should keep their ID card at the top right corner of the examination desk for verification during the examination.
- Must make sure that they have received their correct question paper
- Should write their Name, Register number and class legibly in the Answer Books
- Should raise their hand if they wish to communicate with an invigilator.
- Are not allowed to leave the Examination Hall during the first 2 ½ hours of the examinations
- Should write their answers legibly and should not waste the answer paper pages
- Are not allowed to leave the examination hall during the last 10 minutes of the examination
- Are responsible to ensure that their answer scripts are submitted to the Invigilator before they leave the Examination Hall
NOTE : Candidates are strictly instructed not to involve in any sort of malpractices or misbehavior in the Examination Hall, WHICH WILL LEAD FOR PUNISHMENT